Below are images compiled in one of the many photo galleries illustrating our blog, Musings From Paradise. Click on any photo and then sweep through the collection (or use your keyboard’s arrow keys). More Albums

"Ruby-crowned Kinglet (© Nick Viani 4/3) Bear Creek Community Bird Survey, Scouting the Lynn Newbry transect.",

"Anna's Hummingbird (© Nick Viani 4/2) Bear Creek Community Bird Survey, Scouting the Lynn Newbry transect.",

"Great Horned Owl (© Nick Viani 4/3) Bear Creek Community Bird Survey, Lynn Newbry transect.",

"Say's Phoebe (© Nick Viani 4/3) Bear Creek Community Bird Survey, Lynn Newbry transect.",

"Nashville Warbler (© Nick Viani) Right in our backyard, hopping about the Oregon Grape looking for a snack.",

"Golden-crowned Sparrow - juvenile (© Nick Viani) Taken in our backyard.",

"Hermit Thrush (© Nick Viani) Jacksonville Woodlands trail system.",

"White-breasted Nuthatch (© Nick Viani) Jacksonville Woodlands trail system.",

"Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (© Nick Viani) Jacksonville Woodlands trail system.",

"Varied Thrush (© Nick Viani) Paradise Lane, Backyard birds",

"Purple Finch (© Nick Viani) Peachy Lane, Paradise Lane",

"Western Sandpiper (© Nick Viani) White City Lagoon, Kirtland Pond",

"Savannah Sparrow (© Nick Viani) White City Lagoon, Kirtland Pond",

"White-crowned Sparrow (© Nick Viani) White City Lagoon, Kirtland Pond",

"Golden-crowned Sparrow (© Nick Viani) White City Lagoon, Kirtland Pond",

"Golden-crowned Sparrow (© Nick Viani) White City Lagoon, Kirtland Pond",

"Orange-crowned Warbler (© Nick Viani) Ditch Trail, Paradise Lane",

"Hammond's Flycatcher (© Nick Viani) Ditch trail in the vicinity of Paradise Lane.",

"Hammond's Flycatcher (© Nick Viani) Ditch trail in the vicinity of Paradise Lane.",

"Chipping Sparrow (© Nick Viani) Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument, Emigrant Creek Drainage",

"Band-tailed Pigeon (© Nick Viani) Backyard Birds, Paradise Lane",

"Chestnut-backed Chickadee (© Nick Viani) Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument, Emigrant Creek Drainage",

"Townsend's Warbler (© Nick Viani) Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument, Emigrant Creek Drainage",

"Wilson's Warbler (© Nick Viani) Bear Creek Greenway - Ashland Transect A&B",

"Wilson's Warbler (© Nick Viani) Bear Creek Greenway - Ashland Transect A&B",

"Black Phoebe (© Nick Viani) Bear Creek Greenway - Ashland Transect A&B",

"Western Tanager (© Nick Viani) Bear Creek Greenway - Ashland Transect A&B",

"Downey Woodpecker (© Nick Viani) Bear Creek Greenway - Ashland Transect A&B",

"Downey Woodpecker (© Nick Viani) Bear Creek Greenway - Ashland Transect A&B",

"Tree Swallow (© Nick Viani) Bear Creek Greenway - Ashland Transect A&B",

"Tree Swallow (© Nick Viani) Bear Creek Greenway - Ashland Transect A&B",

"Savannah Sparrow (© Nick Viani) Bear Creek Greenway - Ashland Transect A&B",

"Kestrel (© Nick Viani) Bear Creek Greenway - Ashland Transect A&B",

"Mallard Duck on nest (© Nick Viani) Bear Creek Greenway - Ashland Transect A&B",

"Canada Geese & goslings (© Nick Viani) Bear Creek Greenway - Ashland Transect A&B",