Below are images compiled in one of the many photo galleries illustrating our blog, Musings From Paradise . Click on any photo and then sweep through the collection (or use your keyboard’s arrow keys). More Albums
"Terry & Beth, our guide on the river (© Sooney Viani) Bethel, AK",
"American Tree Sparrow (© Nick Viani) Bethel, Alaska",
"Close-up of tundra landscape (© Sooney Viani) Bethel, AK",
"Arctic Cotton - Wildflowers on the tundra (© Nick Viani) Bethel, AlaskaArctic Cotton",
"Alongside the road to Bethel's landfill (© Sooney Viani) Bethel, AK",
"Water & Sewer pipes are above ground due to freezing conditions beneath the surface that will break pipes (© Sooney Viani) Bethel, AK (© Sooney Viani) Bethel, AK",
"Insulated water and sewer pipes waiting for installation. Note the depth of the insulation. (© Sooney Viani) Bethel, AK",
"Great Horned Owl Fledglings (© Nick Viani) Bethel, Alaska",
"Great Horned Owl (© Nick Viani) Bethel, AK",
"Yellow-rumped Warbler (© Nick Viani) Bethel, Alaska",
"Bald Eagle (© Nick Viani) Bethel, Alaska",
"Bank Swallows (© Nick Viani) Bethel, Alaska",
"Wildflowers on the tundra (© Nick Viani) Bethel, Alaska",
"Tundra (and Nick's boot) (© Nick Viani) Bethel, AK",
"Osprey nest (© Nick Viani) Bethel, Alaska",