Oh, what a day. It started at the marina loading Captain Victoria’s boat into the water and finished at the fire ring in her backyard. In between was magical: eagles, snorkel-boarding and doing barrel rolls among with the dolphins, meandering among the mangrove islands and learning about the tree house she and her brother built at age 10 (they climbed completely across the island without ever touching soil). So much more to share but must join the yodeling roosters and find some good coffee.
Sightings for February 17
<Magnificent Frigatebirds>, <Würdemann’s Herons>, Great White Herons, Little Blue, Snowy, Great and Tricolored Herons, White Ibises, Ospreys (several on nests), Bald Eagles (2), Belted Kingfishers, Yellow-crowned Night Heron, Royal and Sandwich Terns, Red-winged Blackbird, <Laughing Gull>, Ring-billed Gulls
A dozen (or more) playful and sexually active dolphins.
First time sightings: 3