Years ago, when Alicia questioned where here sisters and brothers were, we assured her that although we chose to only have one child there would always be companions nearby.
“It’s not the same,” she complained, not believing a word of it.
Fast forward to an adult Alicia living in a household of 3 adults and 2 dogs and another sweetie soon joining them. At various stops along the journey, she has developed lifelong friends and we’ve cherished being embraced by this wonderful extended “family.” With time, the dynamic of these relationships changes and we recently celebrated the marriage of Alicia’s housemates and dear friends, Mo & Stacey. These 2 women have intimately integrated themselves into our lives. On numerous family gatherings, Alicia has requested that we include her “orphan” friends (figuratively, not literally, as those with parents in distant parts) into family events. And we have—with consummate pleasure. For years, Stacey & Mo have shared our traditional Christmas “Japanese” meal. Thanksgiving, on the other hand, has morphed into truly extraordinary feasts in their own home.

With the subtle transition from housemate to a couple, Alicia is pursuing new accommodations with Mo & Stacey living not far away. Their wedding at McKenzie Bridge, Oregon, was marvelous and meticulously planned. The Vianis were able to help document the event in both words and photographs. In addition, the weekend gathering provided us the opportunity to meet their biological families and spend time with those responsible for our lovelies. As our “children” grow, we are, in turn, propelled into senior adulthood for which there’s no turning back. I, for one, am thoroughly enjoying the ride.
The gallery of photos associated with this entry is the result of a concept developed by Mo to have guests focus on what they’re especially grateful for. These thoughts were then written on slate tablets and incorporated into the portraits. While some props were used, it was the sincerity of each response that made the project so successful—memories that will be forever cherished.