Dear family & friends.
It is with joy and excitement that I announce the making of my first full-length record this spring. I am headed to Nashville in March to work with a superb producer and recording team. The songs are written, the arrangement plans are flying back and forth, and we are preparing to create the very best of what I can do.
Many of you have witnessed my musical journey over the years in some way or another, and I would be honored if you would join me in celebrating this next step by pre-ordering a copy of the record. These pre-orders will allow me make the record in the first place. The Kickstarter is live TODAY and will only happen for 30 days.
Here’s the link to Alicia’s Kickstarter page (inactive) where you may obtain details about the project and instructions to pre-order your CD (or more, should you choose).
I would so appreciate you spreading the word to your family members and others in your community if you believe they’d enjoy a copy too.
I am humbled by this ask, I am appreciative of any help you can give, and I am buzzing with excitement to stretch myself to the limits of what I can do and to put a copy of this album in your hands to enjoy.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Alicia ~
Here’re some cuts from her EP release. Click the play icon and enjoy the performance.
Here’s the link to Alicia and Mark’s YouTube Channel featuring several of their recent songs.