Here are the image galleries compiled during 2018. Each link below points to an event that displays thumbnails of that gallery. For a close-up, click on a thumbnail and navigate through the slides using your keyboard’s arrow keys or simply click on the image. Tap the Escape key to exit the slide show.
- Avian Portraits Jan. ’18
- Casa Miller, Tucson, AZ
- Saguaro Cactus Gallery
- Arizona Wildlife Gallery
- Avian Portraits Feb. ’18
- Pilot Rock: Hiking in the Snow 2/25
- Wildlife Photo Contest Submissions (Click here in mid-Nov. for results)
- Avian Portraits Mar ’18
- Avian Portraits: April ’18
- Eastern Birds: April-May
- East Coast Snapshots
- Avian Portraits: May ’18
- BioBlitz Birds: Grizzly Peak
- Sooke, Vancouver Isl., BC
- Avian Portraits: June ’18
- Sailing the Desolation Sound, BC
- Canada Day: Comox, BC
- Avian Portraits: July ’18
- Avian Portraits: Aug. ’18
- Zumwalt Prairie & The Wallowas
- Avian Portraits: Sept. ’18
- Singing at the Overlook (Zumwalt)
- Images from Yaak, Montana
- Avian Portraits: Oct. ’18
- Avian Portraits: Nov. ’18
- Grizzly Peak Preserve
- Avian Portraits Dec. ’18
- Yellowstone National Park Pix